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How to boost your Biobanking process

Biobanking is a relatively new field, evolving in the last 20-30 years. Today, the collection of biological material has become a fundamental resource in medical research. Considering the importance of biobanks and the global health challenges of today’s interconnected world, which are the most effective biobanking techniques? Watch our educational Webinar and learn valuable methods for improved biobanking. Our Application Specialist will discuss the different biobanking techniques that are currently used in Pathology, focusing on the pros and cons of each method. We will analyze today’s challenges...

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How to Enhance the Quality of your Frozen Sections

The frozen sections’ technique is widely utilized in pathology labs, allowing pathologists to rapidly analyze and diagnose tissue samples while the patient is still in the operating room. However, this procedure is often known to offer slides of poor morphological quality due to the slow freezing procedure, resulting in uncertain diagnosis. During the event, our Application Specialist discusses the current frozen sections techniques, highlighting its limitations and challenges. Through live streaming directly from our new Milestone laboratory, we will unveil strategies that pathologists...

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5 most common problems about Frozen Sections and how to solve them

Frozen sections are one of the most important and yet difficult procedures a pathologist performs during his practice. It requires experience, speed and high precision, to get high quality frozen section slides for the microscope analysis. How to perform it fast and efficiently, without freezing artifacts? Discover the 5 most common problems that histotechnicians usually face in their daily work with frozen sections and how to solve them. What you will learn how to obtain optimal morphological quality how to speed up the freezing process how to freeze special tissues (fatty tissues, muscles,...

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